
Turkey’s Fieldwork: an insight

We are happy to announce that we have completed our fieldwork in Turkey! Turkey is the second area were we conducted our research on how migration affect democratic participation processes in countries of origin. During the past year we were able to conduct a survey with both migrant and non-migrant households. Here are some key figures

Romania’s Fieldwork: an insight

We are happy to share that we have finished the fieldwork in Romania! Romania is one of the cases in our study of the impact of migration on democratic participation processes in countries of origin.

Distance Makes the Vote Grow Farther: The Filipino Migrant Vote in the 2022 Elections

by: Laurence Go The recently concluded Philippine elections saw the landslide win of Ferdinand Marcos Jr., whose victory is historical for two reasons. First, while parts of the world have voted to reject candidates linked to former dictators and far right parties (e.g. Chile 2021, Peru 2021, France 2022), the Filipino people have thrown their …

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